It still surprises me when I cook something and it ends up being wonderful. I made some
taco cassarole today, and it ended up being rockin. Granted, not the hardest thing in the world to do (and that's kinda why I picked it) but it turned out fantastic, and looks like it's going to reheat like a champ.
I'm trying to keep myself from being stressed, but that's not really happening, with having to figure out my entire life....RIGHT NOW....and not really being able to do a whole lot because I'm more or less on lock down. Do I find a job, because I don't know if I'm going to be here more than a month? Do I wait and put some effort into my portfolio, even though I'm stressed out?
Adam was going to Airborne then ARC school, which means that he would be in GA until the end of August, and I need to be down in TX by 27 AUG, which means that I would have to leave without him and get established, without a car, or a license, or even more than a few hundred dollars in the bank, and get enrolled in school right off the bat. Which I'm sure I could do, and eventually figure out. It would just take some working. But now it looks like both of us are leaving by the end of the month, because he doesn't NEED Airborne, so why should we wait here for another two months? But then, thats the Army. The plan is what you deviate from.
But that also take a lot of stress off of me, which is giving me a little bit of leeway to get a little more creative. I'm not saying that I'm some prima donna who needs perfect conditions to write. In fact, isn't it the emotional moments that drag the best writing out of any writer? But this is that different sort of stress. Less emotion, just stress.
I just want to be in a place, mentally where I can just write. I want to have the time to sit down and do it. I hate when I have one of those things, and not the other. I want to have the need to have my notebook close by, and just spend hours alone with it, having my love affair with ragging my pen across paper, making some beautiful words.